Sunday, November 25, 2018

How lava flows on Olympus Mons tell us about the volcanic history of Mars

When we think about big mountains on Earth, the first thing that comes to mind is almost always Mt. Everest. Everest, however, is absolutely miniscule in comparison to the solar system’s largest volcano, Olympus Mons.

Standing at 21,229 meters above the Mars global datum (which can be thought of like sea level here on Earth), Olympus Mons is about two and half times as tall as Mount Everest. Unlike Everest, which is the result of two continental plates slamming into each other, Olympus Mons has a volcanic origin. It can be classified as a shield volcano, similar to those that make up the Hawaiian Islands.

Shield volcanoes are characterized by broad, gentle slopes (4-8 degrees) and tend to erupt nonviolently out of fissures on the flanks of the volcano (think the recent lava flows in Hawaii). The tops of shield volcanoes tend to have calderas, which are large collapsed structures found at the top of volcanoes. The magma in the chamber provides pressure that effectively holds up the top of the volcano.The magma chamber is literally inflating the top of the volcano, sustaining its dome-like shape. When the volcano is done erupting and the chamber is partially empty, the top of the volcano collapses and forms a caldera. Things can get a bit more complicated, however, as has been recently discovered at the caldera at the top of Olympus Mons.

Figure 1: The caldera atop Olympus Mons. Colors correspond to elevation, where warmer colors are higher and cooler colors are lower. The blue shapes extending outwards in almost all directions are lava flows. From Mouginis-Mark and Wilson (2019).

The caldera atop Olympus Mons, like the volcano itself, is huge. Its horizontal dimensions are 60 X 80 km, and it has a depth of about 3 km. Lava flows radiate outwards from the rim of the caldera (Fig.1). The strange thing about this caldera, however, is that some of these lava flows appear to flow uphill (Fig. 2). This is not normal, even on Mars. Lava can sometimes travel small distances uphill due to confining pressure or momentum. The lava flow on Olympus Mons, however, didn’t travel a short distance uphill -- it appears to have gone several kilometers!

Figure 2: Zoomed in from figure 1 to show the anomalous lava flow. The left and right images show the same lava flow. The left is CTX image of the flow and the right is an interpreted sketch of the flow with contour lines. The arrow denotes flow direction. Notice how the flow travels uphill. From Mouginis-Mark and Wilson (2019).

Scientists have instead interpreted this to mean that the lava flow was emplaced and flowed downhill normally, cooling as it did so. Later, new magma was brought up to the near surface through cracks in the rock in a sheet-like intrusion, called a dike. This dike caused a localized inflation to occur within the caldera which tilted certain areas. One of those areas was near the lava flow, making it appear to be flowing uphill. But why is this significant? This tilting shows scientists that volcanism didn’t end when previously thought, when the caldera collapse occurred. Instead, there must have been renewed volcanism closer to the present. By understanding the timing of volcanism on Mars, we can better understand Mars’s evolution as a planet, and therefore what past conditions on Mars could have been like. Was Mars more volcanic in its past? Could this volcanism provide a greenhouse effect to allow life to exist? This work takes us one step closer to fully answering these questions.

Original paper:
Mouginis-Mark, P. J., & Wilson, L. (2019). Late-stage intrusive activity at Olympus Mons, Mars: Summit inflation and giant dike formation. Icarus, 319(September 2018), 459–469.

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